An Interesting Case of Prostate Cancer Presenting With Colonic Metastasis.

Journal: Cureus

Prostate cancer is common cancer that grows slowly and tends to metastasize to bones, lungs, and the liver. Most malignancies have established patterns in presentation, localization, and organs where they metastasize. We are presenting a case of a 60-year-old man who presented with abdominal pain and, on further investigation, was found to have polyps in the colon, a flat rectal mass with eccentric thickening of the rectum, a moderately enlarged prostate, and multiple liver masses suggestive of metastasis. It was initially thought to be colorectal cancer with metastasis but was eventually diagnosed as a stage IV prostate adenocarcinoma with metastases to the liver and rectum. It is very unusual for prostate cancer to present with distal metastasis to the liver and rectum, as in this case.

Shawn Keating, Ayesha Imtiaz, Kenneth Nahum, Ankita Prasad, Pramil Cheriyath