SAGES masters program: the top 10 seminal articles for the laparoscopic left and sigmoid colectomy pathway for complex disease.
Background: The SAGES University Colorectal Masters Program is a structured educational curriculum that is designed to aid practicing surgeons develop and maintain knowledge and technical skills for laparoscopic colorectal surgery. The Colorectal Pathway is based on three anchoring procedures (laparoscopic right colectomy, laparoscopic left and sigmoid colectomy for uncomplicated and complex disease, and intracorporeal anastomosis for minimally invasive right colectomy) corresponding to three levels of performance (competency, proficiency and mastery). This manuscript presents focused summaries of the top 10 seminal articles selected for laparoscopic left and sigmoid colectomy for complex benign and malignant disease.
Methods: A systematic literature search of Web of Science for the most cited articles on the topic of laparoscopic complex left/sigmoid colectomy yielded 30 citations. These articles were reviewed and ranked by the SAGES Colorectal Task Force and invited subject experts according to their citation index. The top 10 ranked articles were then reviewed and summarized, with emphasis on relevance and impact in the field, study findings, strength and limitations and conclusions.
Results: The top 10 seminal articles selected for the laparoscopic left/sigmoid colectomy for complex disease anchoring procedure include advanced procedures such as minimally invasive splenic flexure mobilization techniques, laparoscopic surgery for complicated and/or diverticulitis, splenic flexure tumors, complete mesocolic excision, and other techniques (e.g., Deloyers or colonic transposition in cases with limited colonic reach after extended left-sided resection).
Conclusions: The SAGES Colorectal Masters Program top 10 seminal articles selected for laparoscopic left and sigmoid colectomy for complex benign and malignant disease anchoring procedure are presented. These procedures were the most essential in the armamentarium of practicing surgeons that perform minimally invasive surgery for complex left and sigmoid colon pathology.