Multimodality treatment of a primary vulvar melanoma in a low resource setting: A case report.

Journal: Gynecologic Oncology Reports

Primary vulvar melanoma is a rare but highly aggressive malignant neoplasm accounting for 1-2 % of all malignant melanoma and 5-10 % of all vulvar cancers in females. Here we report a case of 32 years old female diagnosed with primary vulvar melanoma during the evaluation of a two cm growth in the inner labia minora on the right side. She underwent wide local excision with excision of the distal one cm of the urethra and bilateral groin node dissection. The final histopathology was vulvar malignant melanoma with 1 out of 15 groin nodes involved but all resected margins were free of tumor. The final surgical stage was T4bN1aM0 (8th AJCC TNM) and IIIC (FIGO). She received adjuvant radiotherapy followed by 17 cycles of Pembrolizumab. To date, she is both clinically and radiologically disease free with a progression-free survival of 9 months.

Relevant Conditions

Vulvar Cancer, Melanoma