Balloon-Targeted Extra-Anatomic Sharp Recanalization Technique to Re-establish Supraclavicular Vascular Access.

Journal: Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology : JVIR

A balloon-targeted extra-anatomic sharp recanalization (BEST) technique was investigated to re-establish supraclavicular vascular access in patients with central venous occlusion. Query of the authors' institution's database yielded 130 patients who underwent central venous recanalization. Of these, a retrospective review of 5 patients with concurrent thoracic central venous and bilateral internal jugular vein occlusions who underwent sharp recanalization using the BEST technique from May 2018 to August 2022 was performed. Technical success was achieved in all cases without major adverse events. Four (80%) of the 5 patients underwent hemodialysis reliable outflow (HeRO) graft placement using the newly established supraclavicular vascular access.