Intracranial intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT): evaluation of electrocorticography and peri-operative seizure risk.

Journal: Journal Of Neuro-Oncology

Background: Intra-operative radiotherapy (IORT) for brain metastases (BMs) and primary brain tumors has emerged as an adjuvant radiation modality that allows for consolidation of care into a single anesthetic episode with surgical resection. Yet, there is a paucity of data regarding the impact that IORT may have on peri-operative and long-term seizure risk.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients receiving IORT during tumor resection was performed via registry including data regarding peri-operative anti-seizure medications and anesthetic agents. Intra-operative neuromonitoring was performed using electrocorticography (ECoG) captured before-, during-, and after-IORT then analyzed for evidence of seizure or significant baseline changes. Kaplan-Meir estimations were used for overall survival analysis relative to documented clinical seizure incidence post-IORT.

Results: Of the 24 consecutive patients treated with IORT during tumor resection included, 18 (75%) patients were diagnosed with BMs while 6 (25%) had newly-diagnosed glioblastoma. Mean and median survival times were 487 and 372 days, respectively. Clinical seizures occurred in 3 patients post-IORT, 2 BMs patients within 9 months and 1 glioblastoma patient at 14 months. IORT time represented 9.5% of anesthetic time. ECoG recordings were available for 5 patients (4 BMs; 1 glioblastoma), with mean recording durations of 13% of the total anesthetic time and no evidence of high-frequency oscillations or seizure activity.

Conclusions: IORT is an option for delivery of definitive radiation in surgically resected brain tumors without increasing the peri-operative or long-term risk of seizure. ECoG data during the delivery of radiation fail to demonstrate any electrophysiological changes in response to ionizing radiation.

Christopher Cifarelli, John Vargo, Ugur Sener, Daniel Cifarelli, David Scoville, Aman Dabir