Surgery for internal rotation contracture in infancy may obviate the need for brachial plexus nerve reconstruction: early experience.
Background: Shoulder internal rotation contracture and subluxation in the first year of life has long been recognized in some patients with brachial plexus birth injury (BPBI). Surgical management of shoulder pathology has traditionally been undertaken following nerve reconstruction as necessary. In some patients; however, shoulder pathology may impair or obscure functional neuromuscular recovery of the upper extremity. As a proof of concept, we report a highly selected subset of patients with BPBI in whom shoulder surgery undertaken before one year of age obviated the need for neuroma resection and nerve grafting.
Methods: A retrospective review was performed of all patients with upper trunk BPBI who underwent shoulder surgery before one year of age from 2015 to 2018. Upper extremity motor function was evaluated with preoperative and postoperative Active Movement Scale scores, Cookie tests, and the requirement for subsequent neuroma resection and nerve grafting.
Results: Fifteen patients with BPBI meeting the inclusion criteria underwent shoulder surgery (including a subscapularis slide and tendon transfers of the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles) before 1 year of age. Preoperatively, no patients of the appropriate age passed the Cookie test for elbow flexion. Thirteen patients either passed the Cookie test or scored Active Movement Scale score 7 for elbow flexion at or before the last available follow-up undertaken at a median age of 3.4 [1.4, 5.2] years. One of those 13 patients underwent single fascicular distal nerve transfer to improve elbow flexion before subsequently passing the Cookie test. Two patients did not have sufficient follow-up to assess elbow flexion.
Conclusions: Although the exact role of shoulder surgery in infancy for BPBI remains to be defined, the findings from this study provide proof of concept that early, targeted surgical treatment of the shoulder may obviate the need for brachial plexus nerve reconstruction in a highly selected group of infants with BPBI.