myHealthHub for older adult inpatients to reduce loneliness, and improve patient engagement and mental health: protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial.

Journal: Aging & Mental Health

Objectives: Older Canadian adults make up 85% of hospital stays which are associated with increased loneliness, stress, anxiety, and/or depression. There is a need for novel approaches to reduce loneliness and mental health outcomes in older adult hospital inpatients to prevent further strain on an already overwhelmed healthcare system.

Methods: This is a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) exploring the efficacy of a bedside multimodal interaction system, myHealthHub, on loneliness, quality of life (QOL), patient engagement, and other mental health outcomes compared to an active control group in older adult inpatients (n = 60) from baseline to 5-days. Qualitative analyses will be conducted through semi-structured interviews with older adults (n = 8-10) and hospital staff, nurses, and clinicians (n = 4-5) facilitating the service to evaluate patient engagement and experience with myHealthHub.

Results: Not applicable.

Conclusion: This novel pilot clinical trial will obtain preliminary data on the efficacy of myHealthHub in reducing loneliness, QOL, patient engagement, and mental health outcomes in older adult inpatients. If successful, this could provide a potential means to improve patient experience in hospitals and reduce the burden and additional expense on the healthcare system.

Katie Bodenstein, Danny Diep, Johanna Gruber, Peter Varga, Gaurav Mehta, Mahdi Memarpour, Sivan Klil Drori, Syeda Bukari, Cyrille Launay, Soham Rej, Harmehr Sekhon