Cerebrovascular Complications Associated With Iatrogenic Fungal Meningitis Following Surgical Procedures in Mexico.

Journal: Stroke

Background: The current fungal meningitis outbreak caused by contaminated epidural anesthesia with Fusarium solani among patients who underwent surgical procedures in Matamoros, Mexico remains a cause of concern. Its association with an increased susceptibility for cerebrovascular complications (CVC) has not been reported. This single-center study describes 3 patients with a unique pattern of CVC attributed to fungal meningitis.

Methods: A retrospective case series of patients diagnosed with fungal meningitis following surgical procedures under contaminated epidural anesthesia who developed a unique pattern of CVC during their hospitalization.

Results: Three female patients (mean age, 35 years) with CVC due to iatrogenic fungal meningitis were included. Positive Fungitell β-D-glucan assay in cerebrospinal fluid was documented in all cases, and F. solani was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in case 3. All cases were complicated by severe vertebrobasilar circulation vasculopathy and arterial dissections with resultant subarachnoid hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage, ultimately leading to patients' death.

Conclusions: The death toll from the ongoing fungal meningitis outbreak keeps rising, underscoring the need for early recognition and aggressive treatment. We highlight the risk for vertebrobasilar circulation CVC among these patients. The angioinvasive nature of F. solani is yet to be clarified; however, a clear pattern has been observed. Public health awareness should be raised and a strong response should be pursued.

Andrea Becerril Gaitan, Shivani Bindal, Samantha Parker, Matthew Mullarkey, Hussein Zeineddine, Justine Chen, Huimahn Choi, Peng Chen, Spiros Blackburn, Arthur Day, Luis Torres, Robert Brown, Ritvij Bowry, Ching-jen Chen
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