Bladder Cancer, Loss of Y Chromosome, and New Opportunities for Immunotherapy.

Journal: Advances In Therapy

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have emerged as an important therapeutic approach for patients with cancers including bladder cancer (BC). This commentary describes a recent study that demonstrated that the loss of Y chromosome (LOY) and/or loss of specific genes on Y chromosome confers an aggressive phenotype to BC because of T cell dysfunction resulting in CD8+T cell exhaustion. Loss of expression of Y chromosome genes KDM5D and UTY was similarly associated with an unfavorable prognosis in patients with BC as these genes were partially responsible for the impaired anti-tumor immunity in LOY tumors. From a clinical perspective, the study showed that tumors with LOY may be susceptible to treatment with ICIs.

Arun Mankan, Nagender Mankan, Begona De Las Heras, Shakti Ramkissoon, Olga Bodriagova, Laura Vidal, Enrique Grande, Kamal Saini
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Bladder Cancer