Corrigendum: Iatrogenic air embolism: pathoanatomy, thromboinflammation, endotheliopathy, and therapies.

Journal: Frontiers In Immunology

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1230049.].

Phillip Marsh, Ernest Moore, Hunter Moore, Connor Bunch, Michael Aboukhaled, Shaun Condon, Mahmoud Al Fadhl, Samuel Thomas, John Larson, Charles Bower, Craig Miller, Michelle Pearson, Christopher Twilling, David Reser, George Kim, Brittany Troyer, Doyle Yeager, Scott Thomas, Daniel Srikureja, Shivani Patel, Sofía Añón, Anthony Thomas, Joseph Miller, David Van Ryn, Saagar Pamulapati, Devin Zimmerman, Byars Wells, Peter Martin, Christopher Seder, John Aversa, Ryan Greene, Robert March, Hau Kwaan, Daniel Fulkerson, Stefani Vande Lune, Tom Mollnes, Erik Nielsen, Benjamin Storm, Mark Walsh
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