Impact of Mental Health Treatment on Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure and Ischemic Heart Disease.

Journal: Journal Of The American Heart Association

Background: There is conflicting evidence as to the impact of mental health treatment on outcomes in patients with heart disease. The aim of this study was to examine whether individuals who received mental health treatment for anxiety or depression after being hospitalized for ischemic disorders or heart failure had a reduced frequency of rehospitalizations, emergency department visits, or mortality compared with those who did not receive treatment.

Results: A population-based, retrospective, cohort design was used to examine the association between psychotherapy or antidepressant medication prescription and health service utilization and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease or heart failure and comorbid anxiety or depression. Those receiving versus not receiving mental health treatment were compared based on the frequency of rehospitalization, emergency department visits, and mortality. The study sample included 1563 patients who had a mean age of 50.1 years. Individuals who received both forms of mental health treatment for anxiety or depression were 75% less likely to be rehospitalized, 74% less likely to have an emergency department visit, and 66% less likely to die from any cause.

Conclusions: Mental health treatment for anxiety or depression has a significant impact on outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease consisting of reduced hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and in some conditions improved survival.

Cheryl Carmin, Raymond Ownby, Cynthia Fontanella, Danielle Steelesmith, Philip Binkley
Relevant Conditions

Heart Failure