From Trauma to Triumph: Navigating the Complexities of a Central Hip and Ipsilateral Knee Dislocation with Associated Fractures.

Journal: Journal Of Orthopaedic Case Reports

Central hip dislocations are rare orthopedic injuries, and their concomitant occurrence with ipsilateral knee dislocations is an even rarer phenomenon. We present a unique case of central hip dislocation along with ipsilateral knee dislocation and additional fractures involving the lateral condyle of the left tibia and patella. This complex injury pattern resulted from a severe road traffic accident, necessitating operative management to address the multiple musculoskeletal injuries. Ultimately, femoral head avascular necrosis (AVN) developed, leading to the need for total hip replacement (THR). A 28-year-old male was involved in a high-impact road traffic accident, leading to central hip dislocation, ipsilateral knee dislocation, and fractures of the lateral condyle of the left tibia and patella. The patient was promptly assessed, and operative intervention was initiated. Closed reduction and internal fixation with K-wires were performed for the fractures of the lateral condyle of the left tibia and patella. For the central hip dislocation, open reduction was achieved using a 9-hole RECON plate. Following the procedures, a long leg slab was applied for 6 weeks to facilitate optimal healing.Postoperatively, at the 6-week mark, K-wires were removed, and the patient commenced physiotherapy with partial weight-bearing permitted. However, during the rehabilitation phase, the patient reported instability in his left knee. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an avulsion fracture of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) from its tibial attachment site and a complete anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. It was observed that the femoral head had developed AVN. This complication necessitated further intervention, leading to the performance of a THR. This case underscores the challenges and complexities associated with managing central hip dislocation and ipsilateral knee dislocation with multiple fractures. The post-operative instability of the knee, diagnosed as an avulsion fracture of the PCL and complete ACL tear, necessitated additional intervention. The patient subsequently underwent PCL reconstruction using a semitendinosus graft, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to address the diverse musculoskeletal injuries resulting from high-impact trauma. The successful management of central hip dislocation and ipsilateral knee dislocation with associated fractures requires a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating timely surgical intervention, rigorous rehabilitation, and vigilant post-operative monitoring to address potential complications. This case emphasizes the need for ongoing clinical assessment and imaging studies to identify and manage secondary injuries that may manifest during the recovery phase. In addition, it highlights the development of femoral head AVN, ultimately leading to the necessity for THR.

Relevant Conditions

Necrosis, Hip Replacement