Safety and efficacy of same-day discharge for premature ventricular complex ablations.

Journal: Europace : European Pacing, Arrhythmias, And Cardiac Electrophysiology : Journal Of The Working Groups On Cardiac Pacing, Arrhythmias, And Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology Of The European Society Of Cardiology

Objective: Patients undergoing catheter ablation (CA) of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) are generally observed overnight in the hospital given the concern for complications. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of same-day discharge (SDD) of patients undergoing elective CA of premature ventricular complexes (PVCs).

Results: A retrospective evaluation of all patients undergoing elective VA ablation at Ascension St Vincent Hospital from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019 was undertaken. Of those, the patients undergoing PVC ablation were divided into SDD and non-SDD. Patients underwent SDD at the discretion of the operator. The primary safety outcome was the 30-day incidence of complications and death. The primary efficacy outcome was procedural success. Among 188 patients who underwent VA ablation, 98 (52.1%) were PVC ablations, and of those, 55 (56.1%) were SDD. There was no difference in age, gender, comorbidities, or ejection fraction between the two groups. Patients that were non-SDD were more likely to be on chronic anticoagulation (P = 0.03), have ablation in the LV (P = 0.04), have retrograde access (P = 0.03), and receive heparin during the procedure (P = 0.01). There were no complications in the SDD group compared with one (2.3%) in the non-SDD group. There was no difference in primary efficacy between the two groups with a 90.9% acute success in the SDD and 88.4% in the non-SDD (P = 0.68).

Conclusions: Same-day discharge for CA of PVCs is feasible and could lower healthcare resource utilization without compromising outcomes in this unique population.