Modern Management of Gastric Neuroendocrine Neoplasms.

Journal: Current Treatment Options In Oncology

Gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms (G-NENs) are a heterogeneous group of tumors that broadly fall into two groups. The first group, driven by oversecretion of gastrin, are generally multifocal, small, and behave indolently with a low (but non-zero) risk of progression and metastatic spread. They are conventionally categorized into type 1, with endogenous gastric-based overproduction of gastrin, and type 2 G-NEN, with overproduction of gastrin from an extra-gastric gastrin-secreting tumor. The second group, termed type 3 G-NEN, occur spontaneously and are potentially more aggressive, having a clinical course analogous to other neuroendocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Type 1 G-NEN can be managed with endoscopic surveillance and resection of visible lesions with great success, reserving surgery for the rare high-risk lesion, whereas surgical resection of the causative gastrin-secreting tumor in type 2 G-NEN is usually curative. Type 3 G-NEN is usually managed with formal surgical resection but there is growing evidence that limited surgery or even endoscopic resection in appropriately selected patients with low risk is both safe and effective. A novel subtype of G-NEN, associated with long-term proton pump inhibitor usage, is increasing in incidence. The pathophysiology seems to parallel type 1 G-NEN. In the setting of metastatic disease, which can occur in any subtype but is most common by far in type 3 G-NEN, the lack of trial data unique to G-NEN results in extrapolation of strategies and agents for treatment of non-gastric neuroendocrine disease. The rapid pace of development in this area is likely to benefit the metastatic G-NEN patient as well. As treatment is predicate on type of G-NEN, establishing the etiology of the lesion is crucial but growing knowledge of G-NEN pathophysiology and close collaboration between pathologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, surgeons, and oncologists have enabled a growing trend towards de-escalation and less-invasive treatment paradigms.
