Strategic multidisciplinary management of pelvic carcinosarcoma: Emphasizing advanced diagnostic imaging and staged surgical interventions.
Pelvic carcinosarcoma is an aggressive malignancy with significant diagnostic and management hurdles due to its complex vascularity and potential for extensive local invasion. A 59-year-old female presented with severe abdominal pain and significant weight loss, leading to the discovery of a large, complex pelvic mass through CT scans, MRI, and PET CT, suggesting aggressive malignancy. Initial management included a robotic laparoscopic proximal sigmoid loop colostomy to alleviate obstruction. Significant vascularity led to consultations with Vascular Surgery and subsequent preoperative embolization. Definitive surgery involved a supralevator posterior exenteration for en bloc resection of the vagina, mass, and sigmoid colon, combined with a low anterior resection and an omental J flap in anticipation of potential postoperative radiation therapy. This case underscores the importance of integrated imaging and staged surgical interventions in managing pelvic carcinosarcoma, emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach to optimize outcomes and minimize complications.