Examining factors associated with poor metered-dose inhaler technique in a cohort of bronx patients with uncontrolled asthma.

Journal: The Journal Of Asthma : Official Journal Of The Association For The Care Of Asthma

Most studies investigating at-risk groups for poor inhaler technique (PT) have been in adolescents. However, evidence suggests older age correlates with PT. This study aimed to correlate patient characteristics with PT in an adult asthma cohort in the Bronx. We categorized 237 patients with uncontrolled asthma by demonstration of good inhaler technique (GT) (n = 112) or PT (n = 58) at their initial visit. Independent variables included age, sex, ethnicity, language, insurance status, BMI, depression severity, and socioeconomic data. Two logistic regression models were created to assess odds of PT among independent variables at initial visit and odds of improvement in technique at follow-up. At the initial visit, patients with PT had a mean age of 53.74 (±13.54) versus 45.12 (±13.26) among those with GT (p= <0.001). The PT group also had a lower percentage of patients with private insurance (52.53% versus 71.15%, p = 0.037). When controlling for language, ethnicity, insurance status, and educational attainment, the odds of PT increased with age (OR, 1.051; CI, 1.017-1.087, p = 0.003) and BMI (OR, 1.065; CI, 1.010-1.123, p = 0.020). Males had lower odds of PT (OR, 0.379; CI, 0.144-0.997; p = 0.049). While insurance status did not affect odds of PT, Medicaid users had lower odds of improving technique (OR, 0.184; CI, 0.040-0.854; p = 0.031). At baseline, individuals with PT were younger and more likely to be on a public health insurance plan. Increasing age, increasing BMI, and female sex were associated with higher odds of PT at the baseline visit, but were not associated with improvements in technique.

Adam Haines, Thomas Scharfenberger, Justin Rashtian, Lakhi Godavarthi Raju, Sunit Jariwala
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