Outcomes of nonemergency cardiac surgery after overnight operative workload: A statewide experience.

Journal: JTCVS Open

Cardiac surgeons experience unpredictable overnight operative responsibilities, with variable rest before same-day, first-start scheduled cases. This study evaluated the frequency and associated impact of a surgeon's overnight operative workload on the outcomes of their same-day, first-start operations. A statewide cardiac surgery quality database was queried for adult cardiac surgical operations between July 1, 2011, and March 1, 2021. Nonemergency, first-start, Society of Thoracic Surgeons predicted risk of mortality operations were stratified by whether or not the surgeon performed an overnight operation that ended after midnight. A generalized mixed effect model was used to evaluate the effect of overnight operations on a Society of Thoracic Surgeons composite outcome (5 major morbidities or operative mortality) of the first-start operation. Of all first-start operations, 0.4% (239/56,272) had a preceding operation ending after midnight. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons predicted risk of morbidity and mortality was similar for first-start operations whether preceded by an overnight operation or not (overnight operation: 11.3%; no overnight operation: 11.7%, P = .42). Unadjusted rates of the primary outcome were not significantly different after an overnight operation (overnight operation: 13.4%; no overnight operation: 12.3%, P = .59). After adjustment, overnight operations did not significantly impact the risk of major morbidity or mortality for first-start operations (adjusted odds ratio, 1.1, P = .70). First-start cardiac operations performed after an overnight operation represent a small subset of all first-start Society of Thoracic Surgeons predicted risk operations. Overnight operations do not significantly influence the risk of major morbidity or mortality of first-start operations, which suggests that surgeons exercise proper judgment in determining appropriate workloads.

Tyler Bauer, Michael Pienta, Xiaoting Wu, Michael Thompson, Robert Hawkins, Andrew Pruitt, Alphonse Delucia, Shelly Lall, Francis Pagani, Donald Likosky