Implementing Change Through an Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship Program.

Journal: Urology Practice

We sought to implement a multipronged behavioral intervention to reduce and tailor antibiotic use for 2 common urologic outpatient procedures. This study was a nonblinded intervention study that consisted of a preintervention phase (November 2018-January 2019), an intervention phase (January 2020-December 2020) in which a multipronged behavioral intervention was implemented, and a postintervention phase (January 2021-March 2021). We examined antibiotic use for cystoscopy and transrectal prostate biopsy at 3 separate urologic outpatient clinics. A multipronged behavioral intervention consisted of formal physician education, modification of the electronic health order sets, clinic staff education, literature review, development and introduction of patient questionnaires, and individual audit feedback. The primary outcome was 30-day infections. Secondary outcomes were adherence to the recommended antibiotic protocols, questionnaire completion, and Escherichia coli outpatient antibiograms. A total of 2374 patients underwent 3047 cystoscopies, and 547 patients underwent 559 prostate biopsies. The proportions of cystoscopy patients receiving antibiotic prophylaxis and prostate biopsy patients receiving augmented antibiotic prophylaxis decreased 33% and 35%, respectively. The odds of postcystoscopy infection were not different between the preintervention and intervention phases and were lower in the postintervention phase. The odds of postbiopsy infection were not changed between the preintervention and intervention phases or between the preintervention and postintervention phases. Implementing a multipronged behavioral intervention reduced and tailored antibiotic use without an increase in 30-day infections. These findings suggest that outpatient antibiotic stewardship and facilitating rapid adoption of guidelines can be accomplished via this approach.

Kelly Pekala, Danielle Sharbaugh, Jonathan Yabes, Adam Sharbaugh, Michelle Yu, Valentina Grajales, Oluwaseun Orikogbo, Hermoon Worku, Jordan Hay, Toby Zhu, Kody Armann, Chandler Hudson, Lloyd Clarke, Ryan Shields, Benjamin Davies, Bruce Jacobs