Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Training in Postpulmonary Embolism.
Journal: Heart Failure Clinics
Long-term exercise intolerance and functional limitations are common after an episode of acute pulmonary embolism (PE), despite 3 to 6 months of anticoagulation. These persistent symptoms are reported in more than half of the patients with acute PE and are referred as "post-PE syndrome." Although these functional limitations can occur from persistent pulmonary vascular occlusion or pulmonary vascular remodeling, significant deconditioning can be a major contributing factor. Herein, the authors review the role of exercise testing to elucidate the mechanisms of exercise limitations to guide next steps in management and exercise training for musculoskeletal deconditioning.
Naga Dharmavaram, Amir Esmaeeli, Kurt Jacobson, Yevgeniy Brailovsky, Farhan Raza
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