Corrigendum to 'Risk Factors for Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome after Initial Detection of Pulmonary Impairment after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation' [Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29/3 (2023) 204-204].
Journal: Transplantation And Cellular Therapy
Mansour Alkhunaizi, Badar Patel, Luis Bueno, Neel Bhan, Tahreem Ahmed, Muhammad Arain, Rima Saliba, Gabriela Rondon, Burton Dickey, Lara Bashoura, David Ost, Liang Li, Shikun Wang, Elizabeth Shpall, Richard Champlin, Rohtesh Mehta, Uday Popat, Chitra Hosing, Amin Alousi, Ajay Sheshadri
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