Rapid seizure resolution with cannabidiol in medically refractory epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures.

Journal: Epileptic Disorders : International Epilepsy Journal With Videotape

Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures (EMAS) is an early childhood epilepsy syndrome with an explosive onset of multiple seizure types in a previously healthy child. EMAS often evolves to a drug-resistant epileptic encephalopathy before a variable degree of remission around 3 years from onset. Highly purified cannabidiol (CBD, available in United States as Epidiolex®) has demonstrated efficacy and tolerability as an adjunct in medically refractory EMAS. We present two cases of medically refractory EMAS achieving rapid seizure freedom (7-30 days) with CBD, illustrating CBD as a potential effective monotherapy in EMAS.

Peter Sarnacki, Elia Pestana Knight