Dental Rehabilitation in Maxillomandibular Free Flap Reconstruction.
Journal: Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics Of North America
Microvascular free-flaps have changed reconstructive surgery. For patients undergoing maxillomandibular resections, free-flap surgery, especially use of the osseocutaneous fibula free-flap (FFF) has dramatically altered the ability to provide patients with good functional and aesthetic outcomes despite a large resection. The use of endosseous dental implants along with free-flaps has helped patients return to eating and speaking relatively quickly postoperatively. Implants can be placed primarily or secondarily depending on specific criteria. The Jaw in a Day concept has revolutionized providing patients with a rapid aesthetic and functional outcome for those undergoing maxillomandibular resections.
Caroline Casey, Tarandeep Singh, Lawrence Brecht, David Hirsch, Brett Miles