Can ChatGPT-4 Diagnose and Treat Like an Orthopaedic Surgeon? Testing Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Ability in Soft-Tissue Pathologies of the Foot and Ankle.

Journal: The Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Background: ChatGPT-4, a chatbot with an ability to carry human-like conversation, has attracted attention after demonstrating aptitude to pass professional licensure examinations. The purpose of this study was to explore the diagnostic and decision-making capacities of ChatGPT-4 in clinical management specifically assessing for accuracy in the identification and treatment of soft-tissue foot and ankle pathologies.

Methods: This study presented eight soft-tissue-related foot and ankle cases to ChatGPT-4, with each case assessed by three fellowship-trained foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons. The evaluation system included five criteria within a Likert scale, scoring from 5 (lowest) to 25 (highest possible).

Results: The average sum score of all cases was 22.0. The Morton neuroma case received the highest score (24.7), and the peroneal tendon tear case received the lowest score (16.3). Subgroup analyses of each of the 5 criterion using showed no notable differences in surgeon grading. Criteria 3 (provide alternative treatments) and 4 (provide comprehensive information) were graded markedly lower than criteria 1 (diagnose), 2 (treat), and 5 (provide accurate information) (for both criteria 3 and 4: P = 0.007; P = 0.032; P < 0.0001). Criteria 5 was graded markedly higher than criteria 2, 3, and 4 (P = 0.02; P < 0.0001; P < 0.0001).

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that ChatGPT-4 effectively diagnosed and provided reliable treatment options for most soft-tissue foot and ankle cases presented, noting consistency among surgeon evaluators. Individual criterion assessment revealed that ChatGPT-4 was most effective in diagnosing and suggesting appropriate treatment, but limitations were seen in the chatbot's ability to provide comprehensive information and alternative treatment options. In addition, the chatbot successfully did not suggest fabricated treatment options, a common concern in prior literature. This resource could be useful for clinicians seeking reliable patient education materials without the fear of inconsistencies, although comprehensive information beyond treatment may be limited.

Hayden Hartman, Maritza Essis, Wei Tung, Irvin Oh, Sean Peden, Arianna Gianakos