Disparities in Emergency Medical Services Use, Prehospital Notification, and Symptom Onset to Arrival in Patients With Acute Stroke.
Disparities in time to hospital presentation and prehospital stroke care may be important drivers in inequities in acute stroke treatment rates, functional outcomes, and mortality. It is unknown how patient-level factors, such as race and ethnicity and county-level socioeconomic status, affect these aspects of prehospital stroke care. Cross-sectional study of patients with ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the Get With the Guidelines-Stroke registry, presenting from July 2015 to December 2019, with symptom onset ≤24 hours. Multivariable logistic regression and quantile regression were used to investigate the outcomes of interest: emergency medical services (EMS) transport (versus private vehicle), EMS prehospital notification (versus no prehospital notification), and stroke symptom onset to time of arrival at the emergency department. Prespecified covariates included patient-level, hospital-level, and county-level characteristics. The inclusion criteria was met by the 606 369 patients. Of the patients, 51.2% were men and 69.9% White, with a median National Institutes of Health Stroke Severity of 4 (IQR, 2-10), and median social deprivation index (SDI) of 51 (IQR, 27-75). Median symptom onset to arrival time was 176 minutes (IQR, 64-565). Black race was significantly associated with prolonged symptom onset to emergency department arrival time (+28.21 minutes [95% CI, 25.59-30.84]), and decreased odds of EMS prehospital notification (OR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.78-0.82]). SDI was not associated with differences in EMS use but was associated with lower odds of EMS prehospital notification (upper SDI tercile versus lowest, OR, 0.79 [95% CI, 0.78-0.81]). SDI was also significantly associated with stroke symptom onset to emergency department arrival time (upper SDI tercile versus lowest +2.56 minutes [95% CI, 0.58-4.53]). In this national cross-sectional study, Black race was associated with prolonged symptom onset to time of arrival intervals and significantly decreased odds of EMS prehospital notification, despite similar use of EMS transport. Greater county-level deprivation was also associated with reduced odds of EMS prehospital notification and slightly prolonged stroke symptom onset to emergency department arrival time. Efforts to reduce place-based disparities in stroke care must address significant inequities in prehospital care of acute stroke and continue to address health inequities associated with race and ethnicity.