An unusual cause of liver neoplasm in an older female.

Journal: Revista Espanola De Enfermedades Digestivas

We presented a 66-year-old woman with T2DM who had a liver mass discovered incidentally during hospitalization. She was asymptomatic with a right upper abdominal mass that was smooth, mobile, and non-tender. Hepatitis virus markers and tumor markers were normal. The computed tomography (CT) images showed a 4.7×4.0 cm lesion in the left liver lobe with indistinct borders. Further magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed low T1 and high T2 signal intensity with ring-shaped enhancement following contrast administration. Surgical resection was performed, and histology confirmed hepatic angioleiomyoma with thick-walled vessels and spindle cell proliferation. Immunohistochemistry was positive for SMA, desmin, caldesmon, CD31, and CD34. The patient had no recurrence during 5 years follow-up.

Rui Lei, Xin Ding, Yongjie Su, Dian-er Lin, Hong Ma