Early Evolution of SCAI Shock Stage and In-Hospital Mortality in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Population: From the Critical Care Cardiology Trials Network (CCCTN).
Journal: Circulation. Heart Failure
Stephanie Skove, David Berg, Erin Bohula, Jianping Guo, Carlos Alfonso, Gregory Barsness, James Burke, Meshe Chonde, Jacob Jentzer, Jason Katz, Michael Kontos, Younghoon Kwon, Patrick Lawler, Shuangbo Liu, P Miller, Connor O'brien, Alexander Papolos, Alastair Proudfoot, Kiran Sidhu, Shashank Sinha, Lakshmi Sridharan, Jeffrey Teuteberg, Sean Van Diepen, Sammy Zakaria, David Morrow, Kevin Shah
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