Management of Vascular Complications from Button Battery Ingestions.

Journal: Current Gastroenterology Reports

Objective: To propose a gastrointestinal bleeding management algorithm that incorporates an endoscopic and imaging scoring system and specifies management of vascular complication from button battery ingestion.

Results: Button batteries (BB) are found in many electronic devices and ingestions are associated with serious complications especially in cases of unwitnessed ingestions, prolonged impaction, and in children less than 5 years of age. Gastrointestinal bleeding from BB related vascular injury is rare but often rapidly fatal, with a mortality rate as high as 81%. There are no evidence-based guidelines for managing vascular complications from button battery ingestions. This paper proposes a management algorithm that 1) incorporates both an endoscopic and imaging scoring system to guide initial, post procedure, and discharge care and 2) specifies management of button battery related vascular bleeding. The endoscopic score is a modified Zargar classification with added categories for suspected aneurysm and tracheoesophageal fistula. Surgical and endovascular interventions for vascular injury are also reviewed. Until evidence-based guidelines can be developed, hospitals should have a multidisciplinary protocol based on institutional expertise to rapidly manage BB related vascular injury. Prevention of BB related injury offers the best hope of preventing serious complications and should include increasing public awareness and improving safety standards by working with industry and government.

Anamika Saha, Elizabeth Berg, Diana Lerner, Robert Kramer, Christopher Nemeh, Jennifer Defazio, Ali Mencin
Relevant Conditions

Gastrointestinal Bleeding