Current Status and Prospects of Regional Collaborative Pathways for Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Japan - A Nationwide Survey.
Background: Comprehensive management of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) requires seamless treatment across institutions, including intensive care centers and local clinics. However, maintaining guideline-directed medical therapy remains challenging. One promising option to improve the situation may be the implementation of regional collaborative clinical pathways. This study evaluated the prevalence and functionality of such pathways for ACS in Japan.
Results: A nationwide survey was conducted through questionnaires and web searches, targeting all 47 prefectural managers of Japanese Circulation Association (JCA) branches. The study focused on pathways managed at the prefectural or regional levels, excluding inactive or institutional pathways. In all, 18 pathways were identified: 11 (23%) prefecture wide and 4 (9%) region wide. Most pathways included risk factor targets such as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), HbA1c, and blood pressure, but only 8 pathways set an LDL-C target of <70 mg/dL. Pathways updated between 2022 and 2024 and incorporating LDL-C management protocols were considered functional. In all, 45 JCA branches viewed future ACS pathways established by the government or academic societies as potentially useful resources.
Conclusions: Regional collaborative clinical pathways for ACS patients in Japan show variable implementation across prefectures, with approximately one-third of prefectures having established pathways. Future efforts should prioritize the establishment of comprehensive, sustainable, and standardized pathways to optimize ACS management and improve patient outcomes nationwide.