Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Neurosarcoidosis: A Delphi Survey of Experts Across the United States.
Neurosarcoidosis poses a diagnostic and management challenge due to its rarity, phenotypic variability, and lack of randomized controlled studies to guide treatment selection. Recommendations for management based on expert opinion are useful in clinical practice and provide a framework for designing prospective studies. In this Delphi survey study, specialists with experience in managing patients with neurosarcoidosis were invited to anonymously complete 2 surveys about key elements of evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and long-term management of neurosarcoidosis. Expert consensus recommendations were adopted if >80% threshold of agreement was reached. Of the 41 invited expert clinicians across the United States, 32 (78%) participated in the study. All round 1 respondents self-identified as neuroimmunologists (except for 1 pulmonologist). Consensus was reached regarding the need to consider neurosarcoidosis phenotype and severity to guide the choice of initial immunosuppression in both the acute (relapse) and maintenance phases. Experts endorsed the use of TNF-α inhibitors as first-line agents in selected phenotypes with poor prognosis. Neuroimaging was recommended to complement clinical surveillance for treatment response. There was agreement on several key issues, most importantly on the need to consider neurosarcoidosis phenotype and severity when deciding initial treatment. No consensus was achieved on the dosing and duration of specific immunosuppressants, nor regarding the management of the peripheral nervous system manifestation of neurosarcoidosis. These topics warrant further investigation.