Dosimetry Assessment in Predicting Treatment Outcomes Following Yttrium-90 Transarterial Radioembolization of Hepatic Tumors.

Journal: Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals

Purpose: To evaluate the use of yttrium-90 (Y90) dosimetry in predicting treatment outcomes when used following transarterial radioembolization with SIR-Spheres® (Resin Y90) in patients with hepatic tumors. Materials and

Methods: This single institution retrospective analysis included 100 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma or other liver metastases who underwent transarterial radioembolization with resin Y90 and had imaging follow-up within one year of treatment. Mean tumor dose and mean dose to nontumor was calculated using voxel-based dosimetry software. Descriptive statistics were reported and methods of analyses included simple and multivariable linear regression, contingency table analyses, Kaplan-Meier estimation, and Cox proportional hazards models.

Results: Of 100 patients included, 65 demonstrated tumor shrinkage following transarterial radioembolization. Of these, 20 (30.8%) had hepatocellular carcinoma, 22 (33.8%) had colorectal carcinoma, and 23 (35.4%) had other types of metastases. There was an association between tumor shrinkage and mean tumor dose (p = 0.0285) and mean dose to nontumor (p = 0.0028) in hepatocellular carcinoma patients, but not colorectal carcinoma, or the other subgroup. For all 100 patients, time to death and mean tumor dose was associated only in the other subgroup (p = 0.0260), but not in the hepatocellular or colorectal carcinoma groups. Time to death and mean dose to nontumor was associated in hepatocellular carcinoma patients (p = 0.0421), but not the colorectal carcinoma or other subgroup.

Conclusions: Voxel-based dosimetry assessment is a tool that may be utilized to assist in predicting treatment outcomes in responders to transarterial radioembolization.

Christina Ward, Sandon Scott, William Wesson, Jared Mazurek, Ian Kozlowski, Gregg Werner, Arshan Dehbozorgi, Milind Phadnis, Carissa Walter, Aaron Rohr, Zachary Collins
Relevant Conditions

Liver Cancer, Colorectal Cancer