Development of Acanthocheilonema viteae in Meriones shawi: Absence of microfilariae and production of active ES-62.

Journal: Parasite Immunology

Aims: ES-62 is a well-studied anti-inflammatory molecule secreted by L4-adult stage Acanthocheilonema viteae. We maintain the life cycle of A viteae using Meriones libycus as the definitive host. Here, we investigated whether the full life cycle could be maintained, and functional ES-62 produced, in a related jird species-Meriones shawi. Methods and

Results: Adult worms were produced in comparable numbers in the two species, but very few microfilariae (MF) were observed in the M shawi bloodstream. M shawi ES-62 produced ex vivo was functional and protective in a mouse model of arthritis. Myeloid-derived cells from naïve and infected jirds of both species were compared with respect to ROS production and osteoclast generation, and some differences between the two species in both the absence and presence of infection were observed.

Conclusions: The life cycle of A viteae cannot be successfully completed in M shawi jirds but L3 stage worms develop to adulthood and produce functional ES-62. Preliminary investigation into jird immune responses suggests that infection can differentially modulate myeloid responses in the two species. However, species-specific reagents are required to understand the complex interplay between A viteae and its host and to explain the lack of circulating MF in infected M shawi jirds.

Felicity Lumb, James Doonan, Marlene Corbet, Miguel Pineda, Margaret M Harnett, William Harnett