Knee intra-articular loose body causing a compression common peroneal nerve neuropathy with foot drop.

Journal: BMJ Case Reports

We present a unique case of a man in his 60s with a knee intra-articular loose body causing a compression neuropathy on his common peroneal (fibular) nerve (CPN). This neuropathy caused a reduction in function of his leg's motor function causing a foot drop. Through a strong clinical interview and focused clinical examination, the neuropathy was localised, and the diagnosis was reinforced through nerve conduction studies and imaging. The intra-articular loose body was surgically excised after the careful isolation and decompression of the peroneal nerve. This resulted in a marked improvement in the patient's motor function and symptoms, allowing him to ambulate and return to normal function. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of an intra-articular loose body in the knee causing a compression CPN neuropathy with symptoms such as foot drop. We hope this case report aids in guiding management should physicians come across this issue in the future.

Mustafa Fakih, Khalifa Alhojailan, Monika Volesky