A Phase 1/2 Dose-exploration and Dose-expansion Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of BEAM-302 in Adult Patients With Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD)-Associated Lung Disease and/or Liver Disease
This is a Phase 1/2, multicenter, open-label, dose-exploration (Phase 1) and dose-expansion (Phase 2) study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, PK/PD, and efficacy of BEAM-302 in adult patients with AATD-associated lung disease and/or liver disease and to determine the optimal biological dose (OBD).
• Males or females 18 - 70 years of age inclusive at the time of consent.
• Diagnosis of AATD and homozygous for the PiZZ mutation (confirmed by genetic testing).
• Blood total AAT level \<11 μM or equivalent protein in mg/dL.
• Patients receiving augmentation therapy in regions where augmentation is not SoC must be willing to washout augmentation therapy for at least 6 weeks prior to signing the ICF and for the length of the study (unless clinically indicated)
• A postbronchodilator FEV1 ≥40% of predicted and an FEV1/FVC \<70% at screening. (PFTs obtained within 1 year of signing the ICF may be used for eligibility.)
• Evidence of emphysema on a historic CT scan or a DLCO ≤70% of the predicted value (corrected for hemoglobin) at screening. (PFTs obtained within 1 year of signing the ICF may be used for eligibility.)
• Males or females 18 - 70 years of age inclusive at the time of consent.
• Diagnosis of AATD and homozygous for the PiZZ mutation (confirmed by genetic testing).
• Evidence of METAVIR F1, F2, or F3 liver fibrosis based on a central read of a baseline liver biopsy during the screening period or a histological diagnosis made no more than 6 months before enrollment and stage confirmed by central read.
• A postbronchodilator FEV1 ≥40% of predicted at screening. (PFTs obtained within 1 year of signing the ICF may be used for eligibility.)