Extended Unifrontal craniotomy for midline anterior cranial fossa meningiomas: A better shot at preservation of neurovascular structures.

Journal: World Neurosurgery: X

: Numerous surgical approaches have been described for the resection of anterior cranial fossa meningioma. The common problems associated with these approaches are excessive brain retraction, injury to neurovascular structures, transection of superior sagittal sinus (SSS), and a higher risk of new-onset anosmia. The authors describe a unilateral extended frontal approach with the aim to minimize brain handling without the need for SSS transection and possibly better olfaction preservation.

Methods: Thirteen patients with anterior cranial fossa meningioma were operated on using the novel technique of unilateral extended frontal skull base approach. The clinical presentation, radiological studies, intraoperative findings, and outcome at follow-up were recorded.

Results: Gross total tumor resection could be achieved in 12 out of 13 patients. At least one of the olfactory tracts could be anatomically preserved in all patients, and superior sagittal sinus was preserved in all patients. Functional olfaction preservation was achieved in 8 patients. No patient developed new-onset anosmia.

Conclusions: The extended unilateral frontal approach is a viable and reliable alternative for extended bifrontal technique for the resection of large midline anterior cranial fossa meningiomas with avoidance of SSS ligation, decreased brain handling with better olfaction preservation while achieving comparable tumor resection and acceptable cosmetic outcomes.

Relevant Conditions

Anosmia, Meningioma