Perception of Sour Taste in Subjects with Olfactory Deficits: Role of Myrtle Aromatization.
Background: Sour taste is associated with acid-base homeostasis, which is critical to cell metabolism and health conditions. Vinegar, which contains acetic acid as the main component, is a sour food considered the second most common condiment in Italy.
Objective: The aim of the study was to assess differences in sourness perception in subjects with olfactory deficits compared to controls and evaluate myrtle aromatization's potential effect in modulating sourness perception in subjects with hyposmia.
Methods: To this end, olfactory function was assessed with the Sniffin' Sticks test and gustatory function by the Taste Strips test. Sensory perception of a traditional white wine vinegar (WV) and a WV aromatized with myrtle (AWV) was evaluated. The sourness perception of the two vinegars was estimated through the rates of odor and taste pleasantness, intensity, and familiarity using a labeled hedonic Likert-type scale.
Results: Our data indicated that in patients with hyposmia, a significant decrease was observed only in sour taste perception compared to controls. The increase in vinegar aroma due to the myrtle aromatization modulated sourness perception in patients with hyposmia.
Conclusions: Myrtle aromatization increased the number of significant correlations between odor and the taste dimensions of the vinegar in controls and in patients with hyposmia in a different manner.