Registry for Systemic Eczema Treatments
The Registry for Systemic Eczema Therapies (RESET) registry is a database and biospecimen repository for patients with pediatric-onset atopic dermatitis (AD) who have used or will initiate any systemic treatment(s) for AD. The goal of the registry is to enable more efficient research recruitment and data collection as well as timely notification to enrollees about newly FDA-approved treatments for AD.
• Age \<26 years old
• Current physician diagnosis of atopic dermatitis
• Provide signed informed consent if ≥ 18 years old
• Provide signed informed consent by parent or legal guardian (if \<18 years old) and informed assent if applicable
• Subject and/or parent/legal guardian is willing to be contacted in the future by study staff
• Seen for clinical care at Johns Hopkins since 1/1/2017
• Previously on, currently on, or planning to initiate (within next 6 months) a systemic AD therapy