Impact of an Outpatient Word Catheter Program for Bartholin cysts and abscesses: A retrospective cohort study.
Objective: To assess the impact of an Outpatient Word Catheter Program (OWCP) on outcomes in women presenting with Bartholin cysts or abscesses (BC/BAs). .
Methods: This retrospective cohort study reviewed 408 women presenting with BC/BAs to our tertiary unit from 2017-2022. Analysis of medical records, with subgroup analysis of pregnant patients, and comparative analysis between pre- and post-intervention groups, was completed. Financial impact analysis using national activity-based funding pricing guidance to estimate cost was conducted.
Results: Pre-intervention, 65% (n = 34) of procedures were completed in theater, but after the introduction of OWCP, 61% (n = 213) of cases were treated in the day ward (χ2 = 67.43, P <0.001). Similarly, inpatient admissions reduced; 94.2% (n = 49) pre-intervention versus 26% (n = 92) post-intervention (χ2 = 92.25, P <0.001). The mean all patient admission duration decreased from 1.52 ± 0.89 days to 0.69 ± 0.59 days (P <0.001). The mean cost for those women attending in the pre-OWCP period was €4798, versus €2704 in the women who attended post-OWCP introduction (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: After OWCP introduction, there were significant decreases in inpatient admissions, surgical procedures in theater, general anesthetic exposure, and duration of admission. Financial impact analysis revealed a significant cost reduction of ~€2100 per patient. Outpatient or day-care Word catheter programs are feasible, affordable and acceptable services to provide to women presenting with BC/BAs.