Histo-Molecular Profiles Of Male Breast Cancers In Mali

Journal: Le Mali Medical

Background: the occurrence of breast cancer in men is an indication for genetic counseling and must be systematically sought. The objective of this work was to describe the histopathological and molecular aspects of human breast cancer.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with retrospective collection from January 2007 to September 2021, including all cases of male breast cancer diagnosed by histology with immunohistochemical examination. The variables studied were histopathological and molecular. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin and processed using the standard hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemistry technique.

Results: A total of 8 cases of male breast cancer were collected. Each case underwent histological and immunohistochemical examination. Age ranged from 8 to 77 years with a mean age of 50.63±20.79. Consultation time of less than 12 months was common with the presence of a breast nodule as the reason. The left breast was as affected as the right breast. Tumor size T3 (5 cm and more) predominated with 3 cases. The nature of the sample received was: 04 biopsies and 04 lumpectomies. Infiltrative carcinoma of non-specific type was common: 7 cases (or 87.5%) with Elston and Ellis grade II in 75% of cases. Luminal A and triple negative were predominant with 3 cases each (37.5%).

Conclusions: Breast cancer is increasingly diagnosed in men at all ages.