Therapeutic Management in Elderly Male Breast Cancer Patients: A Scoping Review.
Objective: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare entity which often arises in elderly people. Aim of this review is to evaluate the principal issues related to MBC in elderly, because the therapeutic management of disease is not only related to the biological behavior of the tumor, but also to the comorbidities and frailty of older population. A scoping literature review was performed on Pubmed and Cochrane Database using the following keywords: therapeutic management/ male/ breast cancer/ elderly patients. Papers published before 2000, not edited in English or French language, or not related to the main topic, were excluded. Only articles related to therapeutic issues in MBC and including more than 10 elderly (≥ 65 years) patients were selected for the qualitative outcome analysis.
Results: 36 papers regarding surgery, radiotherapy, systemic therapy, racial disparities and therapeutic management in retrospective series of MBC in elderly were examined in details. MBC has a different biological behavior and a poorer prognosis than female, especially in cases with positive nodes at diagnosis. Elderly MBC patients have often larger tumors in more advanced stages at the time of diagnosis compared with younger patients. In spite of the advanced tumors at presentation, older patients present often cancers with more favorable biological characteristics, but they receive less guideline-concordant curative treatments (as adequate lymph node staging or adjuvant radiation therapy) compared to women. Moreover, racial differences in treatment of older MBC were observed. Therapeutic management of MBC in elderly patients is a subject rarely addressed in literature. Our review highlighted differences in the treatment and in guidelines-concordance for elderly MBC patients. Adequate geriatric assessment and use of therapeutic schemes adapted to age and comorbidities can avoid under/overtreatment, contributing to a better standard of care in this frail population.