Voluminous cervical polyp delivered: a case report.

Journal: Journal Of Surgical Case Reports

Cervical polyps are common gynecological findings, typically small and benign. However, larger polyps can mimic malignant neoplasms and pose diagnostic challenges. We present a case of a 40-year-old woman with a large cervical polyp, highlighting the critical role of radiological imaging in diagnosis and management. The lesion was successfully resected, with histological examination confirming a benign nature. This case underscores the necessity for careful evaluation of large cervical polyps to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Salma Marrakchi, Rania Bouanane, Sara Ez Zaky, Ouiam Taibi, Salma Aouadi, Samia Sassi, Khaoula Lakhdar, Fatima El Hassouni, Nazik Allali, Latifa Chat, Sihame El Haddad
Relevant Conditions

Endoscopy, Cervical Polyps