Outcome of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum: A population-based prospective study.

Journal: European Journal Of Paediatric Neurology : EJPN : Official Journal Of The European Paediatric Neurology Society

Objective: Neurodevelopmental outcome of apparently isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) remains a major concern with uncertain prognosis. Despite "normal" IQ reported in a majority of patients, the rates of learning disabilities and severe outcome (ranging from 0% to 20%) are not clearly established.

Methods: A large population-based series was investigated based on a longitudinal follow-up until school age, using Wechsler Intelligence scales at 3, 5, and 7 years.

Results: Fifty women were referred to a tertiary referral unit for an "apparently" isolated ACC confirmed by ultrasound, foetal MRI, and karyotyping or array CGH. Twelve pregnancies were terminated, one foetus died in utero, one pregnancy outcome was unknown, and 36 babies were born. Two were lost to follow-up. Thirty-four children could be classified into three groups. Group 1 comprised two children (6%) with severe intellectual disability (one Mowat-Wilson syndrome and one ASD). Group 2 comprised 10 children (29%) who had learning disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning (VIQ and/or PIQ scores >70 and <85); three patients had hypopituitarism with additional MRI anomalies revealed after birth. Group 3 comprised 22 children (65%) who had both VIQ and PIQ >85 (-1 SD) with a normal school level. Longitudinal follow-up revealed weaker PIQ in younger children which improved with age.

Conclusions: Our data indicate that intellectual ability is normal (IQ > 85) in approximately two thirds and borderline in just over a quarter of patients. However, a low risk of severe cognitive impairment exists, and this information should be shared with couples during prenatal counselling.

Vincent Des Portes, Anne Rolland, Juan Velazquez Dominguez, Emeline Peyric, Marie-pierre Cordier, Pascal Gaucherand, Jérôme Massardier, Mona Massoud, Aurore Curie, Anne-sophie Pellot, François Rivier, Audrey Lacalm, Amélie Clément, Dorothée Ville, Laurent Guibaud