Comparison of the Effectiveness of EMG-Biofeedback and Rebound Therapy in Patients With Endometriosis

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Other, Device
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises with EMG-Biofeedback and pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises with Rebound therapy on pelvic floor muscle strength, pain level, NGF level, perceived stress level, quality of life and sleep in women diagnosed with endometriosis.

Participation Requirements
Sex: Female
Minimum Age: 20
Maximum Age: 50
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Being between 20-50 years old,

• Being diagnosed with endometriosis,

• Completing the voluntary consent form,

• Pain level being at least 4 on the Visual Analog Scale (VAS).

Other Locations
Zeynep Kamil Women and Children's Diseases Training and Research Hospital
Contact Information
Çağla Özgören, Msc
Ayşe Nur Tunalı, PhD
Time Frame
Start Date: 2024-09-01
Estimated Completion Date: 2025-09-01
Target number of participants: 42
Active_comparator: Group 1: EMG-Biofeedback
In this group, pelvic floor strengthening training will be conducted with EMG-Biofeedback 2 days a week, and patients will follow a home exercise program 5 days a week. The Neurotrac® Simplex device will be used for EMG-Biofeedback. The EMG reference electrode will be placed on the patient's spina iliaca anterior superor, while two adhesive electrodes will be placed on the perineal muscles. Patients will contract and relax their pelvic floor muscles at 5-second intervals, guided by visual and auditory stimuli on the device or computer screen. Sessions will last 25 minutes, twice a week, for 8 weeks in a clinical environment. Treatment will include visual imagery for better engagement. Scores (%), and the lowest and highest EMG values (mV) will be recorded. Home exercises will be demonstrated by a physiotherapist, to be practiced 5 days a week. Patients will be instructed to report any pain during exercises to the physiotherapist.
Active_comparator: Group 2: Rebound Therapy
In this group, rebound therapy will be performed on a trampoline, along with pelvic floor strengthening training, twice a week. Patients will also follow the home exercise program given to the first group, practicing it 5 days a week. For rebound therapy, a trampoline-based exercise program targeting pelvic floor muscles will be conducted in a clinical setting for 8 weeks, 2 days a week, with 20-minute sessions. Proper breathing patterns will be taught before starting. During rest periods, O2 saturation and maximum heart rate will be monitored. Maximum heart rate will be calculated (HRmax = 208 - 0.7 × age), and exercises will pause if it exceeds 80%. Patients will contract pelvic floor muscles during exercises, with posture corrections provided as needed. Exercise intensity will be progressively increased for adaptation. Home exercises will be demonstrated by a physiotherapist, to be practiced 5 days a week. Patients must report any pain during exercises to the physiotherapist.
Active_comparator: Group 3: Home Exercise Group
Home exercise program will be taught to patients in a practical way with the physiotherapist and patients will be asked to practice at home 5 days a week. If the patient feels any pain during the exercises, they will be informed that they must report the situation to the physiotherapist.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Medipol University

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