Psychoneuroimmunology As a Framework for Studying the Effects of Chiropractic Care in a Population with High Central Adiposity: a Feasibility Trial
Since 1980, the global prevalence of obesity, commonly defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, has doubled. Importantly, high levels of central adiposity (i.e., abdominal fat) is associated with numerous PNI-related sequelae, including increased levels of psychological distress, cognitive deficits, ANS dysfunction, and immune marker abnormalities. To our knowledge, rigorous investigation of chiropractic's impact on psychoneuroimmunological (PNI)-related outcomes in people with high central adiposity is lacking. Based on limited evidence to date, it is plausible that clinically important PNI-related dysfunctions (e.g., heightened stress levels, executive function impairments, dysautonomia, immune dysregulation) common in this population could be ameliorated via chiropractic care.
• 18-65 years of age
• Body mass index (BMI) at least 30
• Waist circumference at least 35 inches if female or 40 inches if male