The Role of Gonadotropin Pulsations in the Regulation of Puberty and Fertility

Status: Recruiting
Location: See all (2) locations...
Study Type: Observational

Background: - The body produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) about every 2 hours. GnRH travels through the bloodstream to the pituitary gland, where it stimulates the gland to produce hormones called gonadotropins. These hormones stimulate the testicles or ovaries. The testicles produce testosterone and develop sperm. The ovaries produce estrogen and prepare for ovulation. Normal estrogen and testosterone levels are required for puberty. Some people, however, have either low levels or total lack of GnRH. This can cause problems with puberty and fertility. Researchers want to study people with low or no GnRH to better understand how it affects puberty and fertility.

Objectives: - To study disorders of GnRH production.

Eligibility: * Adult men and women at least 18 years of age with low or no gonadotropin levels. * Adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age with low or no gonadotropin levels.

Design: * Participants will be screened with a physical exam and medical history. Blood and urine samples will be collected. * Participants will have tests to look at their hormone levels. Blood samples may be collected after taking different drugs, including insulin and cortisone. A 24-hour urine sample will be collected. * Participants will have imaging studies to look at bone and brain development. They will also have ultrasounds of the kidneys, abdomen, and reproductive organs. * Tests of smell and hearing will be used to look for abnormalities in these senses....

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 14
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Children

⁃ For subjects who are children, all provisions regarding obtaining assent from children and consent from their parent/guardian are described in detail in Consent/Assent Procedures, below.

• NIH Staff, and family members of study team members

⁃ NIH staff and family members of study team members may be enrolled in this study as this population meets the study entry criteria. Neither participation nor refusal to participate as a subject in the research will have an effect, either beneficial or adverse, on the participant s employment or position at NIH.

⁃ Every effort will be made to protect participant information, but such information may be available in medical records and may be available to authorized users outside of the study team in both an identifiable and unidentifiable manner.

⁃ The NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Staff Who are Considering Participation in NIH Research will be made available. Please see Consent/Assent Procedures for consent of NIH Staff. NIH employees or staff who participate during work hours will receive a copy of Leave Policy for NIH Employees Participating in NIH Medical Research Studies.

United States
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
North Carolina
NIEHS Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
Research Triangle Park
Contact Information
NIEHS Join A Study Recruitment Group
(855) 696-4347
Janet E Hall, M.D.
(984) 287-3647
Time Frame
Start Date: 2012-04-25
Target number of participants: 200
HH patients
Clinical patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH)
Angela Delaney Freedman
Leads: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

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