The REgistry of Very Early Estrogen and AnovuLation
The purpose of this study is to to build a registry of women with early estrogen loss due to Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA) to understand the prevalence, racial and ethnic diversity of this condition.
• 3 or more months of consecutive amenorrhea with a diagnosis of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea or screening hormones consistent with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea including but not limited to:
‣ Estradiol: \< 50pg/mL
⁃ LH: \< 10 IU/mL
⁃ FSH: \< 10 IU
⁃ Testosterone: 2 - 45 ng/dL
⁃ Free Testosterone: 0.1 - 6.4 pg/mL
⁃ FT4: 0.93 - 1.70 ng/dL
⁃ Prolactin: \< 20 ng/mL
⁃ AMH: \> 1 ng/mL
⁃ Urine or serum human chorionic gonadotropin: Negative
• LH:FSH Ratio \<1
• No signs of male-like hair growth on the upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, buttocks, or back
• Does not have a diagnosis for secondary amenorrhea, including prolactinoma, PCOS, premature ovarian insufficiency, pituitary surgery, infection, or infarction
• Premenopausal status determined by WISE criteria
• Able to give informed consent
• Able to read English