Biflex Self Adjust: a compression wrap system for lymphoedema and venous leg ulcers.

Journal: British Journal Of Community Nursing

Compression is the foundation of treatment for chronic oedema, including lymphoedema and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). However, adherence with conventional compression wraps is often poor. This article introduces Biflex Self Adjust, a new compression wrap system for lymphoedema and venous leg ulcers, a common consequence of CVI. A Velcro system and an integrated loop ensures patients can easily and quickly take Biflex Self Adjust on and off. Biflex Self Adjust uses a patented integrated device that allows healthcare professionals and patients to easily adjust the pressure. In addition, Biflex Self Adjust completely covers the limb using an optimised number of overlapping bandages, which helps prevent oedema migration. The open-cell foam used in Biflex Self Adjust allows moisture transfer, which enhances comfort. Case studies illustrate the effectiveness of the Biflex Self Adjust in clinical practice.