Pancreatic pseudocyst after acute pancreatitis in children.

Journal: BMJ Case Reports

Acute pancreatitis in children is a rare condition; however, the incidence of this acute condition has been increasing over the past few decades. In most cases, acute pancreatitis does not cause severe complications in children, but in some cases, it can be complicated by fluid accumulation, fistulas and vascular pathologies, but the most common complication remains the formation of pseudocysts. This article describes the clinical case of a 11-year-old girl from Lithuania, which effectively illustrates a rare condition in children-acute pancreatitis and its developed complication-the formation of a pancreatic pseudocyst. The article discusses the frequency of acute pancreatitis and its complication, pancreatic pseudocyst in children, and the clinical expression of the disease and methods of diagnostics and treatment.

Simona Terleckytė, Dovilė Malinauskaitė, Mindaugas Dženkaitis, Rūta Rokaitė