The (reverse) paradox of lupus anticoagulant: A case report.

Journal: Lupus

Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is often associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which manifests as recurrent thrombotic events or obstetric complications in presence of antiphospholipid antibodies. Hereby we present a case of a child who presented with low grade fever, superficial thrombophlebitis with mucosal bleeding and was diagnosed as Lupus Anticoagulant Hypoprothrombonemia Syndrome (LAHS).

Methods: A 7-year-old girl was hositalized with complaints of fever and spontaneous bleeding from gums and epistaxis. On examination, she had multiple small tender nodular lesions with greenish hue of overlying skin suggesting superficial thrombophlebitis and mild non-tender hepatosplenomegaly. Her coagulogram revealed normal platelet counts and deranged PT and APTT. ESR and CRP were raised. Serology for viral infections, blood and urine cultures were negative. Patient had persistent coagulopathy, mucosal bleeding and low-grade fever despite supportive treatment. She was tested for anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) in view of suspicion of autoimmune process. ANA was positive in high titer with speckled pattern on indirect immunofluorescence. Mixing studies showed correction of PT and non-correction of APTT. PT based factors were normal except for prothrombin (FII) which was low and remained low despite dilution. APTT based factors (FVIII and FIX) were low but corrected on dilution. This was suggestive of prothrombin deficiency and a presence of a nonspecific inhibitor of APTT pathway (likely lupus anticoagulant). Presence of antiprothrombin antibodies established the diagnosis of LAHS. ENA profile was positive for SmD1, Ro60 and Ku. Complement levels were low. Direct Coomb's test was positive but there was no evidence of hemolysis. Lupus anticoagulant by DRVVT and anti-cardiolipin antibodies by ELISA were positive. Patient was diagnosed as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Anticoagulant Hypoprothrombinemia Syndrome. She was treated with IV methylprednisolone. Patient showed significant improvement in form of resolution of fever, mucosal bleeding, correction of deranged INR and reversal of hypocomplementemia. She was discharged on hydroxychloroquine, mycophenolate mofetil and tapering doses of prednisolone. On follow up, child was doing well and her prothrombin time and complement levels had normalized. Low dose aspirin was aspirin was added for thromboprophylaxis.

Hiren Kalyani, Mayank Goyal, Tejaswee Banavathu, Swetal Pandey, Prasan Rath