Isolated MPFL reconstruction with soft tissue femoral fixation technique in 54 skeletally immature patients: Clinical outcomes at 2 years follow-up. A French multicenter retrospective study.

Journal: Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery & Research : OTSR

Background: Medial patello-femoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction is one of the therapeutic options to treat patellofemoral instability. Classically, a à la carte treatment of skeletal and ligament abnormalities is described. This option is difficult to achieve in children because bony procedures can damage the femoral and/or tibial growth plate. The objective was to evaluate a strategy for isolated reconstruction of the MPFL in the treatment of objective patellar instabilities in children, in a large cohort. The return to sport, knee function and pain or discomfort were studied as secondary endpoints.

Methods: This French multicenter retrospective study included 54 pediatric patients with objective patellofemoral instability. Patients were included if they had presented at least 2 episodes of objective patella dislocation. A Deie-like technique with gracilis tendon graft, soft tissue femoral fixation and patellar bone tunnels for patellar fixation was used. Recurrence of dislocation was studied as the primary endpoint, and the recurrence rate was compared with the literature. A comparison of functional scores (Kujala, Lille femoro-patellar instability score or LFPI Score and Tegner activity score) and NRS between pre- and postoperative was studied as a secondary objective.

Results: A recurrence of femoro-patellar instability was observed for five patients within 2 years follow up (9%). A significant improvement of the Kujala, LFPI score, Tegner and NRS scores was observed (p<0.001).

Conclusions: Isolated reconstruction of the MPFL presents a risk of recurrence of 9% at 2years follow-up. This technique significantly improves the functional scores of the knee. This modified Deie technique provides good clinical and functional results, allowing return to sports with an acceptable risk of recurrence of patellar dislocation, similar to those observed in the literature. Isolated MPFL reconstruction as a first-line treatment appears to be a reliable and effective technique in terms of recurrence of dislocation and functional scores. It allows early recovery and rehabilitation and has lower morbidity than procedures requiring bone gestures. Methods: III, retrospective comparative study.
