Lack of skeletal muscle contraction disrupts fibrous tissue morphogenesis in the developing murine knee.

Journal: Journal Of Orthopaedic Research : Official Publication Of The Orthopaedic Research Society

Externally applied forces, such as those generated through skeletal muscle contraction, are important to embryonic joint formation, and their loss can result in gross morphologic defects including joint fusion. While the absence of muscle contraction in the developing chick embryo leads to dissociation of dense connective tissue structures of the knee and ultimately joint fusion, the central knee joint cavitates whereas the patellofemoral joint does not in murine models lacking skeletal muscle contraction, suggesting a milder phenotype. These differential results suggest that muscle contraction may not have as prominent of a role in the growth and development of dense connective tissues of the knee. To explore this question, we investigated the formation of the menisci, tendon, and ligaments of the developing knee in two murine models that lack muscle contraction. We found that while the knee joint does cavitate, there were multiple abnormalities in the menisci, patellar tendon, and cruciate ligaments. The initial cellular condensation of the menisci was disrupted and dissociation was observed at later embryonic stages. The initial cell condensation of the tendon and ligaments were less affected than the meniscus, but these tissues contained cells with hyper-elongated nuclei and displayed diminished growth. Interestingly, lack of muscle contraction led to the formation of an ectopic ligamentous structure in the anterior region of the joint as well. These results indicate that muscle forces are essential for the continued growth and maturation of these structures during this embryonic period.

Tonia Tsinman, Yuming Huang, Saima Ahmed, Aurelie Levillain, Mary Evans, Xi Jiang, Niamh Nowlan, Nathaniel Dyment, Robert Mauck
Relevant Conditions

Sandhaus Ben-Ami Syndrome